Discover the incredible benefits of color for your professional and personal life!
¿What is the color scheme and how is it realized online?
The colorimetry , a process of analyzing the colors and the contrast of the eyes, the hair and the tone of the skin, is taken into account by a specialized image consultant. This analysis is available online , as well as the geographic barriers. The service is offered in 4 languages: English, French, Criollo and Español.
Testimonials from satisfied customers
Examples of improved concrete examples thanks to colorimetry
- The factor TIEMPO: Martine compares how to organize your storage according to the colors it has allowed to be valid every day.
- The factor ESTADO DE ÁNIMO: Jorge compares his experience with how the colors can be transformed into his state of mind and raises his vibrations, including on difficult days.
- Realidades CUTÁNEAS: Jacqueline has encountered colors favored by her skin, where she has allowed to minimize the attention on her pink.
- COMUNICACIÓN en el trabajo: Enrique has optimized his labor environment using appropriate colors that promote communication and peace of mind.
- Responsible inversion: Maria has learned to choose the correct color, so that it can be inverted intelligently by saving and reducing its ecological color.
¡Comienza tu viaje hacia una vida más colorida hoy mismo !
Approve our special offer on the line until March 31 to commemorate the International Color Day on March 21.
Reserve your color setting now 👉 now.
What you will receive after the service
- You paleta of physical colors in your country of residence
- You report electronically with your recommendations
The process
- Preliminary session of 30 minutes
- Send your photos with the photos worked in your colors
- Presentation of the results in 60 minutes
- All online.
Discover the magic of colors in all aspects of your life
- Clothes
- Jewels
- Hair, beard and makeup
- Space
- Vehicles
Testimonials from satisfied customers
"Rhodie helped me encounter the perfect colors for my professional image. An essential reversal for any business or professional." - Sylvie Beaudoin, Empresarial Coach
"Rhodie is a valuable candidate in Quebec to help us communicate effectively across our country." - Patrice Gervais, Asesor Financiero
"The session with Rhodie shows the importance of the colors is incredible! Discover a new language through the colors." - Geneviève Ménard, Kinesiologist