Press Room — Tagged "Image"

Image et décor en télétravail avec Rhodie et Clode-Hélène

Image and decor in telework with Rhodie and Clode-Hélène

Image in telework, a topic that is still relevant today. more

Votre entreprise a t’elle besoin d’une ingénieure en image ?

Does your company need an image engineer?

“My work consists of showing people how to reconcile style and personal development by using their wardrobe as a t... more

Entretien avec Rhodie Lamour par SMM21

Interview with Rhodie Lamour by SMM21

Montreal Fashion Week SMM21 Rhodie Lamour offers conferences and workshops about self-image. more

Entrevista Rhodie Lamour para Metro RD (Español)

Rhodie Lamour interview for Metro RD (Spanish)

"I am passionate about fashion and dressing well" more

Chroniqueuse « Vent de Fraîcheur » - Radio

Chronicler "Fresh Breeze" - Radio

Host of the Radio Program "Fresh Breeze" on Radio Lévis Fresh Breeze more