Press Room — Tagged "Image Personnelle"

Vos talents vous positionnent : retour sur un événement inspirant au Sheraton de Laval

Your talents position you: a look back at an inspiring event at the Sheraton in Laval

In a constantly changing professional world, standing out becomes a necessity. The exclusive event held at the She... more

Célébrons les lauréates du PFAQ22 !

Let’s celebrate the PFAQ22 winners!

A look back at the 22nd edition of the Prix des Femmes d'Affaires du Québec (PFAQ), a flagship event of the Réseau de... more

Colours by Rhodie Lamour - CRSC 10 years (English)

Colours by Rhodie Lamour - CRSC 10 years (English)

Rhodie Lamour is an image consultant, whose colour influences stem from both fashion and painting. more