Love and Estilo, a happy couple

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Rhodie Lamour is an image consultant, designed to position her clients with a coherent and unique image. After more than five years of career, I was inspired by the name “Lamour” (el amor), to bring together the enriquecedores of fashion and colors so much to the solteros as to the couples, who heard and kept the llama of love.

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¡El amor…! A feeling that we all have to experiment, but we express different ways... How do we know better than our sea through our clothes, our gestures and our silhouettes? This is the theme presented in this book by the author Rhodie Lamour, assessor of imagen, conocida poricionar to our clients through a unique and coherent imagen. This song "Amor and Estilo, a loving partner" was inspired by the lives of many couples, and revealed the secret to transmit love through the medium of our clothing choices. El amor no es un regalo cualquiera, sino el regalo de uno mismo. So it must be balanced and authentic. Across these lines, you will learn the most love, respect, appreciation and appreciation of your partner, some of the most important things in your exiting relationship.

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