The verano is in full swing in negotiations and style

The truth is in full swing, just like the negotiations and the style.

Recuerdo during my days as engineer in activity in Santo Domingo, July and August were extremely hot. The low heat affects our customers' visits and site inspections, and there are temperature variations on our website. One of the major desafíos for me and my colegas will encounter the way of navigating between the temperatures of the closed offices, our vehicles and the spaces in the open air.

Aquí hay algunos consejos para ayudarte à regulate la temperatura corporal, porque queando enemos demasiado calor, es posible que no tomemos las mejores jores, y sudar en excess puede hacernos parecer más estresados ​​de lo que realmente estamos.

1. Consider the following:

If you are aware of the type of phone you are using, there is a big difference. We also use a crucial paper in temperature regulation. This is especially important when we wear shirts and jackets, blouses and cardigans. The cumulative effect of the caps may mark the difference.

As much natural sea as the tejido, it will allow you to breathe better. The fabric, the linen and the seda have excellent options, promoting perspiration. Sin embargo, in formal trading situations, you recommend taking precautions with the linen, there may be a more informal and accessible aspect.

2. Create 2 in 1 sets:

3. Explore practical style options:

- To avoid the corbata, you can opt for a pair with a jacket and an abierta shirt, all made with a baggy pantyhose.

- Dresses and blouses that can be removed allow you to avoid clothing items and wear them more easily.

- Wear a jacket or cardigan in your vehicle or in the office to wear it as necessary, without necessarily integrating it into your vehicle.

- Algunos, como yo, disfrutan de cortes de refrescantes de pelo. This is also an interesting option for the verano that you can consider depending on your personal style.

These are some of the practical tips for the garden, so you can negotiate freely and fully enjoy the views that accompany you.

If you have any suggestions or creations that are the right time to review your professional style, schedule a call and we can discuss your needs.


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